Famous Military Speeches - We, the representatives of the belligerent powers, have assembled here to conclude a solemn treaty by which peace may be brought about. Questions regarding different ideas and ideologies have been settled on the battlefields of the world and therefore are not the subject of our discussion or debate. Nor can we meet here, representing most of the nations of the earth, in a spirit of mistrust, malice, or hatred. But that we, conquerors and conquerors, might rise to a higher rank fit to serve holy purposes, that we might compel all our nations to fulfill unconditionally the obligations which we have here solemnly assumed.
It is my sincere hope, and the hope of all mankind, that out of this solemn ceremony will emerge a world better than the blood and carnage of the past - a world based on faith and understanding - a world dedicated to man and his dignity. his dearest dream of freedom, tolerance and justice is fulfilled.
Famous Military Speeches
The terms and conditions of the surrender and acceptance of the Imperial Japanese Forces are contained in the instrument of surrender now before you.
Malcolm X's Speech At The Founding Rally Of The Organization Of Afro American Unity •
In keeping with the traditions of the countries I represent as Allied Commander, I am determined to carry out my duties with fairness and tolerance and to make all necessary decisions to ensure that the terms of the surrender are fully met. I will state my goal. implemented quickly and faithfully.
I now request the representatives of the Emperor of Japan and the Government of Japan and the Imperial Headquarters of Japan to sign the instrument of surrender at the indicated places.
The Allied High Command now signs on behalf of all countries at war with Japan.
Let us pray for peace in the world and for God to protect it always. These processes are closed. Two intersecting lines that form an X. It shows how to close the interaction or disable the notification.
Martin Luther King
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As wars progressed, great military leaders were able to use the power of the pulpit to motivate their troops. The right words at the right time, said in the right way, helped turn the tide when morale was low, casualties high and ammunition low.
- There is one unmistakable sign of the Soviet Union that it strongly promotes the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Easter Europe, if you seek liberation: Come to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Speech Of The President Of The Republic On The Defense And Deterrence Strategy
“The path we choose for him is full of dangers like all paths; but it is most in keeping with our character and our courage and our global commitments. The price of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we never choose is the path of surrender or submission. Our goal is not the victory of power, but the defense of justice; We want peace and freedom, not peace at the expense of freedom, in this hemisphere and throughout the world. God willing, this goal will be fulfilled.
"Let the voices of citizens debate the merits or demerits of our governing processes; Is our power waning from deficit financing, going on too long, too much federal paternalism, overinflation, too low morale, too high taxes, too violent extremism . . . These great national problems are not your professional involvement or for a military solution The guide stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night: duty, honor, country.
13. Menachem speaks to the Israelis on the radio preparing them for the Arab invasion on May 14, 1948.
"We are going to fight. . . We follow the souls of our millions of martyrs, our ancestors who were tortured and burned for their faith, our murdered fathers and slaughtered mothers, our murdered brothers and strangled children.
Winston Churchill's Most Famous Ww2 Speeches
And in this battle we will defeat the enemy and bring salvation to our people, who have experienced the hearth of persecution and who only thirst for freedom, justice and fairness."
"You are embarking on a great crusade for which we have been striving for many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of freedom-loving people are everywhere with you. Together with our brave allies and comrades - arms on other fronts, destroying the German war machine, destroying the Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe and you give security to ourselves in the free world.
I don't want to get "I'm on hold" messages. Let the Germans do it. We are always moving forward, and we are not interested in holding anything but the enemy's cannons. We roll his balls and always chase the life out of him. Our plan of action is to advance and continue to advance, regardless of whether we go over, under, or through the enemy.
"Look, we stand and fight; there will be no more returns. I ordered all plans and instructions for further retreat to be burned immediately. We stand here and fight. If we can't stay alive here, let's stay dead."
The 16 Greatest Inspirational Eve Of Battle Movie Speeches To Get You Seriously Pumped
9. Prime Minister Joseph Stalin, July 3, 1941, called on the Russian people to defend their country as the German army advanced.
"The problem is a matter of life or death for the Soviet state, for the peoples of the Soviet Union. The question is whether the peoples of the Soviet Union will remain free or fall into slavery. . . In our ranks there must be no place for complainers and cowards, panic-mongers and deserters. Our people must not feel fear in battle, they must unselfishly join a war for the liberation of the fatherland, a war against fascist prisoners."
8. Prime Minister Winston Churchill outside the House of Commons as the French retreat from Hitler, May 13, 1940
"The hardest test awaits us. We have before us many long months of struggle and suffering. What is our policy, you ask? I can say: to carry on this war by sea, by land, and in the air, with all our might, and with all the strength that God gives us; to wage war against a terrible tyranny, which can never be surpassed in the dark, pitiable list of human crimes. This is our policy."
Mlk Jr. Speeches: The Greatest You Never Heard
“On behalf of myself and the country, I sincerely thank you for your service in this great struggle in which we are engaged.
I am almost always in the habit of convincing the soldiers, by a few brief remarks, of the importance of success in this contest.
We must preserve this great and free government, not only for today, but for our children's children, which we have enjoyed all our lives. I ask you to remember this, not only for me, but also for you. . . It's worth fighting for people to get such a priceless gem."
"Shall we suffer our brave foes to breach the territory of our republic with impunity? Will you allow the army that has brought terror to your family to escape? Et. March, then meet him. Tear the laurels of victory from his brow. Teach all the world that those who trespass on the territory of a great nation shall be damned. The result of our efforts will be eternal glory and lasting peace.''
Notable Speeches — Leb
"You, in the dignity of your conduct, when you speak of the glorious example you set to posterity to mankind, let it be said, 'If this day had come, the world would never have reached the pinnacle of human perfection. not seen the last stage. nature is capable of attaining.
"I am among you now, not for recreation or sport, But I will live or die among you in the heat and heat of battle; A sacrifice for my God, my kingdom, my people, my honor and my blood.
These are the battles worth your effort, these are the battles
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